Today I will be spotlighting Eartha Kitt’s scrumpous “Kitt’s Goulash” found in the Bruno Gerussi cookbook, “Celebrity Cooks - Volume 3”. I have cooked this dish for many girlfriends (including my barber, Peter) and they have loved and I mean LOVED IT.
Kenny’s Tips for cooking “Kitt’s Goulash”
• Make sure you use a Wok otherwise it will taste like poop and your date will Wok out on yah :”)
• As Eartha says do not wash the mushrooms, just brush them off. Do not use “lobster” mushrooms because they are poisonous and will likely kill you. I recommend Shiitake mushrooms. They are my favourite mushroom and would likely be more popular if they were not named after a style of excrement.
• If you do not have fresh vegetables, don’t be embarrassed to use a can of beans (they are more than the musical fruit)
Background on Eartha Kitt:
Most people, especially the males and a certain orientation of females, remember Eartha Kitt from her role as Catwoman on the 1960's Batman TV series. (She could scratch in my litter box anytime!) But she was more than just a pretty face and an earthalicious body.
She was a famous Broadway actor appearing in many plays and had her first film in the 1948 film Casbahh. Eartha was also an equalally Talented (with a capital "T") singer with her most famous song being "Santa Baby"
In 1968 she was invited to a White House luncheon by President Lynden Johnson and was asked by his wife Larry Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War. Kitt replied, 'You and your honky friends send the best of this country off to be shot. No wonder the brothers rebel against you whitey crackers and take pot.' The remark reportedly caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears and led to Eartha’s career to be blacklisted for many years (ala the Dixie Chix).
She did have a hit disco song in 1984 called "Where is my Man" that reached the top 20 in Britain. Earth also co-starred in the 1992 movie Boomerang starring Eddie Murphy, appeared in many Broadway musicals and of course appeared in a very memorable episode of Celebrity Cooks where she playfully molested Bruno Gerussi while they cooked Goulash. (There definitely seemed to be a spark between these two fiery stars)
Earth Kitt died December 25, 2008 of colin cancer at the age of 81.